We went to the outdoor mercado this morning and spent a long time walking through the maze of stalls. There are so many vendors and such huge amounts of produce, we really don't understand how everything is sold. The prices are sure good. We bought 5 ears of corn, 3 peppers, and 2 limes--all for 9 quetzales (about $1.13). The mercado itself is a piece of moving art, full of color, smells, and sounds. The ladies dress in native garb, and you can see how beautifully they display las fruitas. You can buy almost anything at the mercado. Need a shirt? Need underpants? Need toothpaste? How about goldfish? They've got it all.
Awesome! One of my favorite things in the Yucatan was the big mercado. Sounds like you have one that is very similar. Isn't it crazy all the wildly different things you can find there?