Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good coffee!

We're behind on the blog due to siestas, español, and some small technical difficulties. But WE'RE BACK!  Last Saturday the owners of the casa, Rene and Elsie, took us to a coffee plantation on a nearby mountain.  We saw where the coffee is shelled and washed and dried.  Maria owns the plantation (and the mountain).  This amazing, yet humble, woman manages the coffee production, a herd of cows, and a tropical garden.  You're wondering if this is good coffee, aren't you.  Let's just say that Starbucks comes to HER. You can see Maria standing in a sea of coffee beans that are drying in the sun.  The Birds of Paradise and every other kind of tropical flower can be found in her well-tended jardin.   


  1. This sounds AMAZING! Ask Maria if she needs a day laborer. :) I'd love to see more photos if you can post them! Drink a cup of her coffee for me!
    Glad you guys are getting in plenty of siestas. I'd say that's a crucial component of a good vacation.

  2. I am also interested in a career on Maria's coffee plantation! Pat, I loved teaching your class on Tuesday. Only Rosa and Alejandra came but they are precious. I especially love that Rosa- she is very sharp. Hope you guys are living it up!!
