I won't make you look at it again, but we finally have the name of that ugly fruit. (January 31 post) It is called noñi. Three out of four people we asked did not know its name. Even a lady who was selling them in the market didn't know. I asked the lady if she liked them. She picked one up and sniffed it and then held it out for me to sniff. Yep, they stink to high heaven. El noñi huele mal. My Spanish teacher says it is used medicinally as a treatment for diabetes which, she says, is very prevalent here. So I will not be buying one. And now that I've smelled one, I won't be tasting one. I'm waiting for guava season later this month. In the meantime, treat your eyes to some beautiful dried peppers.
I'm relieved to know the answer to the mystery. Sounds like they smell as bad as they look! There's got to be a better remedy for diabetes.